Our Location
50 Harrison St, PH 540, Hoboken, NJ – 07030
KJ Info helps businesses align IT strategies with their goals, ensuring better decision-making and long-term growth.
With skilled professionals and industry experts, we optimize resource allocation to improve efficiency and productivity.
We provide ongoing support for application maintenance and help businesses manage licensing requirements effectively.
Our team conducts thorough IT assessments to identify gaps and recommend improvements for a seamless digital transformation.
KJ Info is committed to helping customers maximize business value from their IT organization. With our team of skilled professionals and industry experts, we assist customers with strategic planning, business alignment, resource management, application maintenance, and licensing requirements. When needed, we also conduct IT environment assessments to provide valuable insights and support.
KJ Info provides the resources to meet today’s demand for highly skilled.
Read MoreWe are committed to upholding the trust factor by building long-lasting, productive, and efficient relationships with communities, customers, and organizations. Our focus is on delivering solutions and services wherever and whenever customers need them. We adhere to our core values by maintaining transparency and providing ethical, unbiased solutions to all, without any social or economic barriers.
KJ Info is always at the forefront of delivering innovative, industry-friendly solutions to shape a better and sustainable future for mankind. We uphold our values by offering client-centric services, enhancing our team’s skills, and fostering strong, productive relationships with communities worldwide.